Tuesday, July 28, 2009


My name is Vintage Vantage. I chose this pen name because of my position to observe aging. I work in Administration an upscale nursing home in the midwest.

Many a morning there is a death notification left on my voice mail overnight with the name and room number of the person that passed on. If I am not acquainted with that resident I just cross their name off my list and go about my day. Occasionally though I pause and count my blessings that person is not my parent or loved one who has died.

A few days ago while rushing around to set up a workshop I saw a gentlemen out of the corner of my eye. I will call him Bruce. He is in a wheelchair suffering from end stage Parkinson's Disease. There is a spark of understanding in his eye even though his speech is quite delayed and his body movement is minimal. I wondered what Bruce thinks about all day while watching the rest of the world go by. His family? Was he a good Dad? Was his successful career worth the time he spent? I couldn't wait to go home and hug my children and thank my husband for all the love we share. In the days I am able to communicate and enjoy health, I want to create memories to relive when I am old and frail. I want to my life to be well lived, not just well intentioned.

1 comment:

  1. I love this blog...I don't think people realize that they WILL become old one day unless they die young...it WILL be one of the two and our aged generation doesn't get the respect and admiration they deserve...we can all learn much from them and all young people would be wise to do so. Good job!
